It all started on my scalp... and it runs in my family so we had a pretty good idea what it was. (Thank you Nana - for passing that gene down!)
At the time we tired all kinds of treatment - oral drugs (didn't work), topical (worked, sometime), and light box therapy (too expensive). Finally we settled on topical steroids that I used on and off for about 10 years. You know, I had to switch to different ones all the time because my body would get used to the steroid.
About 3 years ago I started developing Psoriasiatic Arthritis. So now that plagues my joints every once in while.
Fast-forward to a year ago - I was pregnant and could no longer use steroids for my skin or glucosamine for my joints. Now what?
I settled for prayer and moisturizing cream (I used CeraVe - I liked it). Well that seemed to help while I was pregnant - it was under control with no bleeding and very few scales. I am very thankful that it didn't get worse as I have heard of that happening to some women when they are pregnant.
So now, 9 months postpartum I have flared and its as bad as it ever was. Only this time, I am nursing and I am very uncomfortable with using steroid creams, tar shampoo, or biologicals. And in my area there is only one lightbox available and the place won't take my insurance.
So... thats why I am here. To heal my psoriasis - using as little drugs as possible.
I picked up "Healing Psoriasis" by Dr. John Pagano.
(For more information on Psoriasis check out The National Psoriasis Organization)
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